
Liddell Christmas

The angel
Wise man with his gift - I thought it was Gold - 2,000 years later it's a zu-zu!
Sweet Mary and Joseph
Taking a rest from opening gifts
Mama and papa got the kids these cute initial capes:)

We always have Liddell Christ-mas the Sunday before Christmas. The weather was beautiful and the kids loved playing outside with their cousins when they were not putting on the Christmas play or opening gifts. It is lots of fun for the kids - there are lots of them and they are getting so big. This year for the program we had to add sweet little animals and a star and even King Herod; to accommodate our growing numbers. What a blessing to be with family and celebrate the birth of our Lord!
Luke 2:40 And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him.

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