
New Years Eve!

The kids around the poppers with their horns waiting for our own little count down!
Lots of streamers! The messier the better!
Sutton & Nate leading worship
Sweet friends!!!!
We tried out the 10 sec microwave smores maker - it really works!
Dance party!

We took the small party approach to New Years this year. Only 10 kids 7 & under is a small crew around here:) While we were in Waco we had an amazing couple we were able to walk with that are about 15 years further along in life and they were great wisdom in many areas, but we took so many things from them in the kid category. Lots of them things we will benefit from in the years ahead, but some we are getting to use now. They had a New Years tradition with some other amazing families we know - they play games, worship and bring in the new year. It has weighed heavy on my heart; that I would love to do something similar. Well the kids and parents a like loved it. The food, the games, the kids helped lead worship and loved making a mess with all the party poppers of course! We have had an amazing 2009! As Jake and I have taken the past week to look back at 2009 and ask God what He is saying for our family in 2010 we eagerly await ALL He has. We are grateful that we get to walk with so many amazing people too! THanks for playing a big role in our lives!

“This is what the LORD says— he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”- Isaiah 43:16, 18-19

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