
Welcome baby Georgia!

We found this for sweet Georgia!
Sweet Georgia
Her beautiful mommy

One of my oldest and dearest friends Shelly had her second baby today, sweet Georgia. With a name like Georgia Bell she is sure to not move too far north:) She is just darling! Big brother Bennett was not sure about her arrival, but I know he will be a big fan soon. I volunteered to take her for a while if he needs some warming up time:) Shelly and Garrett you are amazing parents and it is so fun to watch you hunger and thirst for righteousness and be filled. Shelly, you are a bit more like a sister than a friend and I love you dearly. So glad we get to raise our little men and women together!

Psalm 8:2
From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.

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