
Fun day at Schliterbagn!

The trip down - she colored lots of pictures for Shamu!
Stopped just outside Waco for potty break and gas - daddy had his first Kolache - he said it was pretty good!
The next morning - headed to the water park
The kids with uncle Michael & aunt Amanda
The mascot - random - hot dog in costume?
Waiting - muscles
We took a short, long-weekend vacation to San Antonio to meet up with Nana, Papa, Michael, Amanda, Luke, Juju and Grandad! We left when Jake got home from work on Thursday night and stopped just after midnight to stay the night in Austin. The next morning we only had an hour drive to meet Michael, Amanda and Luke at Schlitterbaugn. Nana & Papa met us there that afternoon. We were shocked at this great waterpark in the middle of a quaint little town. Preslee has turned into a great little swimmer so I almost didn't bring her puddle jumper. Was I glad I did - there were a few of the natural rapids that Jake and I looked at each other laughing and said, "I can't believe they let us bring her on this!" She had a blast though. We had so much fun and Luke and Kooper rode everything in the park except the surf - the line was too long and we were too tired after 8 hours in the park - next time! Braxton and Sutton rode everything they were tall enough for! What a fun day - we will do it again!
Genesis 6:9
This is the account of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God.

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