
Our little GIANT!!!

Our big girl with her name tag! 

These girls were ready to stay all day during their visiting day!
Preslee started school this week.  It's so fun to watch her grow up - too fast though!!!  She loves playing with her friends and having jobs and everything about school.  I am so grateful she didn't go to school last year - God knew exactly what we needed!  We had so much sweet time with just the two of us when the boys were at school Tuesday and Thursday - such sweet time we can never get back; I think I'm realizing that more and more as they get older.  Her first day of school she was so happy to go to brother's school first but said, "hurry mom, my friends need me to hurry and get to school, and I don't want to miss painting".  I'm guessing she didn't miss painting b/c when I picked her up her hair had little red streaks in it.  When I commented on it; one of her teachers said, oh, I would have washed it out but some people put color in their little girls hair - Really!  It's going to be a fun year being a giant with some super sweet friends.  As we were praying about what God had for Preslee this year - it's a year of GREAT GROWTH IN HIM!
1 Corinthians 3:7
So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.

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