
Fun night with Rae Rae!

She loved all the animals but the bunny was her favorite (and it matched her outfit:-)

The look on his face explains his life - He delights in the little miracles of God

Braxton loved the little chicks

All the kids tried to rope a kid (goat that is).  Had some get close, but no one fully succeeded

Love Rachel!
Rachel needed some Hartsock fam time and we are always up for time with Rae-Rae as the kids call her.  So Friday night we headed to the county fair (yes, you heard me right)!  We spent all most all of our time in the petting zoo area and then everyone chose a ride to ride.  Preslee's was age appropriate and the boys chose a ferris wheel, that the cages go upside down.  Brax and Koop were making theirs spin as hard as they could go.  Sutton quickly grabbed Jake's arm and said - don't spin us again!  We headed for a little Johnnie's and then to a football game to watch a friend playing at Norman High.  And over to Rachel and Nikki's to say bye to Nikki who headed to Haiti for a stint (my camera died so no pics of Nikki) - but super excited to hear what God's doing there!!!
Hebrews 12:2Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.

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