
Play date!

They played a little of everything including ice cream stand play dough and of course with Madison
We survived our first week of school!  I am learning how to balance teaching 3 (really 4) kids at the same time.  I must admit that I love the hard days that God shows me what is inside of me:-)  Wednesday we survived and Friday was complete bliss!  The beauty of home school is that when you finish you are finished - like before lunch on Friday.  So our friends Slater and Lanie came over for a little play date after the kids finished school.  Slater has became great buddies with Brax and Sutton even though he is in the 3rd kindergarten class!  Koop and Lanie are not in the same 2nd grade class this year but still great buddies.  We had lots of fun with our sweet friends!
Psalm 111:7
The works of his hands are faithful and just; all his precepts are trustworthy.

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