
24 hour date with my hubby!

Got this text from the trip to the zoo - Dr. Pepper - what a treat!

The only 2 pics we took!
Jake got a chance to go to a Dallas Cowboys game a few weekends ago and so we thought it was a great opportunity for a 24 hour date!  We went to the kids soccer games, got the kids ready to head to the zoo with Michael and Amanda and we headed out.  We had so much FUN - the drive, late night dinner at a highly recommended restaurant - yum, and even brunch Sunday morning before dropping Jake off at the game and heading home to get the kids.  I can't think of anywhere I would rather be than with you honey!  Thanks for the fun, super fast date - loved every second of it!!!  Jake said 24 hr dates are a new quarterly tradition at the Hartsock house!
Proverbs 2:3 Let love and faithfulness never leave you;
       bind them around your neck,
       write them on the tablet of your heart.

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