
Our Girl is 4!

Daddy always jokes with her that she can't be so beautiful first thing in the morning!

Our big four year old posing in her new nightgown

 Her favorite - chocolate chip pancakes!

The boys waiting for her to open gifts.
She is waiting for daddy to get out of the shower and one of them yell for him and she looks at them and says, "I'm not in a hurry, we will just wait for daddy!"

Where has the time gone?  I can't believe Preslee Love is turning 4.  One of our favorite things to do each year is to hear what God is speaking for our kids each year and then get to watch it unfold.  "Delight" is what we feel like He is saying for her this year.  That she is one who will delight in God ~ in her revelation of His goodness and love; and that He so greatly delights in who He has created her to be as she walks another year closer to the fullness of it.  Happy birthday our sweet girl - we all truly delight in you.  You bring us so much joy and love.  Happy birthday sweet princess!

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