

I am so thankful ~ As I reflect on all that has taken place over the past year and looking ahead to the fall! Thankful for Harper coming home and the unbelievable adjustment in all of our lives.  She simply is just one of the kids these days.  Of course there is an ongoing talk of Ghana and her story God is so beautifully writing but each of our stories includes the past; it must start on the dot on the line.  What shapes us helps us understand that we often see through a lens and our hope is that Jesus removes that lens so we can see through His eyes.  His loving, patient, kind eyes!  Thankful for what is to come.  I have never been more excited about a year of school as I am this one; God knows what we need and we are expectant of ALL He has for the school year ahead of us. Just a few more days before the first days of Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st grade and 4th grade.  How did my babies grow up so fast? Putting the final touches on getting ready and a few more mornings of sleeping in- excited for our new chapter and thankful for the writer of our story and the way he is ordering our days!
On an early morning walk with these 5

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