
New Season!

Wow! I would not have believed you if you would have told me just a few years ago when we had a barely 4 year old, two - one year olds and a new born that in 3 years our oldest would be reading them all their Bible story and they would be putting together a puzzle that went with it. Kooper read them the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 and then they all worked together to put the puzzle out showing the miracle. Wow! Every season has been so fun but every season just gets better too!
{This is not a verse from the Bible as usual; but I have put this on our chalk board this week.}
Be an Abinadab - one who says "YES!" to God before you even know the question!
Because of his willingness and obedience he housed the ark "presence of God".

1 comment:

Natalie said...

That's awesome stuff Kourtney!!!!