
Back to school party!

All the kids waiting for their turn to ride!
Surfin' friends!
Preslee loves Mayson
She also loved her kitty
Preslee & Sadie - fearless!
Mr. Cole would do anything she asked; maybe even give her a pony!

Cowboy Sutton!
She wants a pink pony party for her 4th bday!  Stay tuned to see if it really happens!?!
We had our back to school party at the Brackin's house.  The kids loved the pool, horse back riding and even found their kitty this time - poor kitty - lots of lovin'.  We had fun talking, playing and eating yummy food until it was so dark we could hardly see our kiddos!  Fun night friends!
 Revelations 1:8"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty."

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