

Nature walk - Bennett boys - friends for life!

Some of my favorite girls - love ya!

Happy birthday Rachel!
Preslee and Blake riding backwards!  These guys invest so much in our kids!
Team building games - JK can come up with one in about ten seconds
Awesome girls!
Lots of sea doo riding
Terrible pic - but the documentation of Kooper's first one and a half off the cliffs!  The first time was quite painful but the 2nd was much better!  We told him if he gets the double down it will feel much better:-)
Cheesy but powerful!  We listed 2 prophetic words spoken over us and then prayed for each other - Chris handed out these glasses so we will see each other like Jesus sees!  Great teaching by Graham Cooke on this!

Dax and Crew showed up Saturday morning and quickly joined in the fun!

Little Ms. Sunglasses
I don't think I've seen kids thrown off the banana sooo many times - we had some sore adults the next day but the kids seem fine!

The GlOrY and PreSenCe of the Lord was a theme He was speaking this week as we joined together with our ACC staff to love Him, love each other, communicate and plan for what He is speaking next and have an absolute BLAST! We have officially outgrown the Sooner Theater & will become mobile this week moving to Norman North's performing Arts center (it holds 1,200 and is a super nice facility). I love this group and we are so thankful to walk with each of you. You guys are seriously crazy and F-U-N!!!!  I can't believe I didn't take more pics of the weekend - too busy having fun and there are a few pics I would have to explain toooo much! 

Exodus 40:38  Then the cloud covered the Tent of Meeting, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle.

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