
Two of my oldest, dearest girlfriends!

Happy birthday Shelly - love you sister!

Yes 12 kids in all - count them!
I got to see 2 of my oldest friends this past week.  Shelly had a fun birthday lunch and we had lots of fun eating and talking - we are much more like sisters than friends - love anytime we are together.  Happy birthday friend - may this be the best year yet!  Julie and her 8 kids (yes, I said 8) stopped by on the way home to Dallas Monday.  The kids played outside and Julie and I took just the sleeping baby Ben to get our toes done and have a little girl time.  Loved it friend!  Your kids are amazing - you are a great mom!  I am so grateful God has surrounded me with the best of the best friends!
2 Corinthians 4:18So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

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