
Happy 8th birthday Kooper Bower!

Woke up with a little "happy birthday" and gifts!
Luke read them their Bible story before breakfast - cousins rock!
A little birthday breakfast and encouragement time!
Surprise movie - they all gave it a thumbs up!
Special treat on the way home stopped to have dinner with cousins - they came with a sweet gift and even party hats!
We started off with a little singing, breakfast, encouragement time - the usual. The funniest story of the morning was when Luke came out during encouragements and when it was his turn he said something short but sweet - I guess it wasn't enough for Koop b/c he said, "come on Luke, you can do better than that!" Needless to say Luke continued to add to his encouragement! We then walked around and ended at an early movie to see Despicable Me. After the movie we ate a little lunch and then started on our journey home!
Eight years - where has the time gone? Kooper you are an amazing son, brother and friend to soooo many. I love the way you love Jesus and others! I love how you like being celebrated as much as you like celebrating others - you truly receive well! Just think in 8 more years - you will be driving!!!!

Matthew 6:33
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

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