
Sweet Sunday!

Today marked week 2 of us moving into N.N. performing arts center (amazing)!  God has been so sweet in this.  Well, Jake goes much earlier than we do to church on Sundays to pray, and now get the trailers and help set up.  After a great morning at home with the kids we go and get in the car and it's dead - like can't get any response dead!  After trying to start it no less than a dozen times there is no change and I reach into my purse to call my hubby (not sure what he was going to do from about 10 miles away)?  I hear my Sutton's sweet voice from the back, "mommy, why don't we just pray for it".  Of course was my response!  They burst out in prayer and worship and you guessed it - it started like nothing was ever wrong - the 1st time!  God, thank you for my awesome kids, for so many reasons, but one of the greatest is they turn my face to you over and over again!!!
It doesn't end there.  After an amazing worship experience and helping clean up daddy had to load and drop off the trailers; so the kids and I headed for a sonic drink and home to get lunch ready.  We pulled out of sonic and realize she gave us an extra drink!  Following God you realize there are no such things as coincidence; but many divine appointments.  So we began to drive around town looking for the treasure God had for us to give the extra drink to.  We saw a man with a black bag walking and it was unanimous that he was the treasure.  I parked in Charleston's parking lot and greeted him on the sidewalk in front of Charleston's.  I quickly realized I had been praying for this man over a year; except he used to walk around in women's clothing!  So this man shared his story with me; enjoying a little sonic and I was able to share the love of Jesus with him in words and action!:-)  Following God is so much fun and our kids had lots of questions about what a transvestite is.  God thank you for opening Jeremy's eyes; praying he will leading him through complete deliverance and healing!
Matthew 18:12
"What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?

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