
Happy 21st Whitney!!!

Whitney celebrated her 21st birthday this week!  Lots of her friends from home came several hours to celebrate her - she is worth celebrating.  Her sweet sister Jordyn made her day super special - they ended with cake at our house - love these girls!  Landry was even able to break away from 2-a-days to bring her flowers and eat some yummy cookie cake.  The next morning she had a scope scheduled for a little pain she had been having after her ACL surgery last year.  Ends up it was much worse than they thought and much longer recovery:-(  Whit - you are amazing.  You continue to response so graciously even to super tough situations; it's fun to watch God use you to touch so many.  Praying supernatural recovery over you.  It's an honor to walk with you - love you girl!
 Psalm 104:33-34 I will sing to the LORD all my life;
       I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
 May my meditation be pleasing to him,
       as I rejoice in the LORD.

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