
New adventures!

On Thursdays after we take the kids to school Harper and I enjoy running with Annie and the boys!
Love our friends the Morris'
First Orange Leaf experience:  After being home a few days we decided to take the kids to Orange Leaf for a little yogurt!  Harper walked around looking at all the signs, decided on the coconut one and you have never seen such a disappointed little girl when ice cream came out of that machine instead of a whole coconut!
Lots of swimming - here she is with grandad
She is no longer scared of the water and we are hopeful she will be swimming after swim lessons coming up in 2 weeks!
So many of her fears are being faced and conquered after watching the other kids live unhindered by fear!
Today is one month home!  Wow!  We have come so far in one month, I have much more to write but not much time so here is the short:  Her English is coming along great (almost nothing she does not understand), she loves life, loves Jesus, loves the dog which she was terrified of, learning to try new foods = french fries are her fav right now but mommy is on a mission to change that:-), she is hilarious (I told Jake I think she will be class clown, infectious giggle), giving and receiving love well, showing great signs of attachment!
Now that I have made our life sound perfect:-)  I must say we have our moments - hitting, crying, fits but they are much fewer and we are so encouraged by even the conversations about life in Ghana we have already gotten to have with her that will of course be ongoing but very foundational and clear!  We are so proud of you Harper!

1 comment:

Meg said...

LOVE that last pic of Harper smiling in bed...so happy!!!