
Happy Mother's Day!

What makes a mom?  What a great question God asked me Tuesday morning and I have contemplated ever since - birthing a child one might think; but to think that is not at all necessary would make one think a little more.  Love - it's the word God has spoken to me over the past few weeks and is giving me new depth and insight into - love, unperfect love.  My motto for child rearing and for "all" of life for that matter is no regrets!  I want to look back and say I walked in the way of love and nurtured world changers and beyond all else I loved Jesus with everything in me and it was truly my delight!  Laundry seems to be my chore of the hating these days - it just doesn't end and I felt my heart grumbling with each load:-)  So I decided to make it an act of LOVE and WORSHIP and Jesus has been so kind to meet me in the middle of it!  This mother's day I am so grateful to have 5 little pairs of undies to wash every day; 5 kids meals to order; 5 different colors of pens marking my calendar of events and 5 little people to tuck in and pray over every night!  Thankful that's what I am, because being a mom is one of God's sweetest gifts.  My heart is also open in a new way than ever before to all the little ones waiting all over the world to call someone mommy and all those with mother's heart still waiting to be called mommy!  Happy Mother's Day - I am truly the luckiest momma in the world!
The back of Harper's announcement - Thanks once again B Love!

1 comment:

Mrs. J said...

these pics are so great! love 'em!