

 My crew
 My parents
 Boys loved being on the field
 Thanks Bob, judi and Bennett's
 My beauties

I was contacted back in August saying that my high school was having their first decade of greatness!  Basically, one representative from each decade was nominated as the Choctaw High School Sports Hall of Fame and I was the '90's inductee.  I was the only female in any of the decades, 3 of the inductees had passed away and were not even able to be a part of the night and it really made me think - honored yes, needed I'm not so sure.  Being in a Hall of Fame - my kids think it's pretty cool, my nephews who go to the school do too!    It made me think though; if I would not have been nominated would it have made my sports career; that seems a very distance past these days; less than they were?  There is so much hype over performance that later leads to identity crisis for many ~ I think God is giving me lots of clarity in this season of, 'whether we eat or drink or whatever we do, do it all for the Glory of God'!  The athletes that profess faith in Jesus; we have known a few of the big wigs - I would only want my kids shadowing a few of them.  My conclusion = enjoy it, do your best, work hard, win, be honored; we value sports and activities.  We see that being physically healthy is always good; being on a team - valuable; opportunities for training hearts - abundant; but don't let it for a minute become my identity.  It took some talent and hard work and a lot of sweat!  But I have been to the little league fields the last 5 years and heard the mean comments to kids that are less than encouraging, maybe opposite of building up and teaching character.  An amazing woman of God Christine Caine spoke at World Mandate our Church's annual mission conference and this statement stuck with me: Gifted and talented will get you in the door; only character will keep you there!  It's so much bigger than a game!